About Simply Belfast?

At the very heart of Simply Belfast is you!

We have three types of users:

1. Our advertisers
2. Our online users and contributors
3. Our local magazine readers

The Simply Belfast group of sites includes:

1. simplybelfast.co.uk
2. eastbelfast.co.uk
3. southbelfast.co.uk
4. northbelfast.co.uk
5. westbelfast.co.uk

So, together we have Belfast covered!

We are a private site and do not operate currently as a business. As a platform we offer our users the ability to share their content online. We also offer simple online marketing solutions in our directory and magazines. Of course you can market your business across the world wide web but we believe in targeting advertising. If you don't ship abroad and don't carry out work beyond a certain area, why advertise to them? Advertise locally!

Why contribute to Simply Belfast Content?

Simply Belfast isn't just about our views as editors, its about your views, your stories and experiences, experiences that perhaps can cheer someone up, remind them of the good old days or provide balance to current news stories. To safeguard our users we do prohibit some content so read up on our terms before you begin - Happy Writing!

How can you help Simply Belfast?

You can do a lot to help us grow, you could link your site to one or all of our sites listed above, you could like us on social media or tweet our content to your followers, you could become a contribitor to Simply Belfast or norminate yourself as a would be journlist writing on a single subject such as computing or gardening? There are many ways to help & the best way is to become involved!

We're Simply Belfast & You're Invited!